Nope, "commitment" is not my word. Hasn't made a bit of difference in my life, or maybe it has because now I know it's not my word. Now I have 2: Honest & Survive.
Boy, do I feel better. These are real words to me, and if I'm the one who has to remember them and say them, they need to be real.
What inspired this posting?
The calendar journal I'm working in for 2009 with a group of 5 women. My CJ will travel every 2 months from one home to the next, as will the other 5 women's journals. I am finishing up February, and then will send it on to Shelley who will send her CJ to Susan, etc. In 10 months, each of our own CJs will be home.
So I'm working on the cover and decide I cannot, no way, use another picture of me as a kid or a teenager, or any thing but myself. Honest.
I need to be honest.
Stay tuned for the scans of the CJ!
Happy days, Joanie