Friday, November 20, 2009

under construction

I have been gone from my blog (poor neglected thing)for months.
I have been home for 4 months without the Internet, so there were no new postings.
Here's the scoop:
July 14th I fell at a Joe Cocker/Dave Mason concert and broke my leg in 3 places.
I now have a metal plate & nine metal pins in my right leg.
November 9th was the first day I could drive again. yippeee!
I'm back, sort of, at work 3 days a week.
I'm keeping this brief because I have been living this scoop and it's old news to me.
Hopefully soon I will have a new banner and a new blog name and something interesting to write.
In the meantime, what makes you go back to a blog?
Happy days,


Barb Smith said...

Oh no! Well, I'm glad to know you're well on your way to mending and that you're back with us. Take care of you and you can blog when the time is right. *Hugs* & healing.
Peace & Love,

artbeckons said...

Getting back into my blog usually requires a makeover... I pour a lot of time and energy into the design and by the time I'm done, I'm excited to add new posts, too!

Welcome back =)

Anonymous said...

Jooooooaaaanie!!! So good to see you again! But I am soooo sorry to hear about your accident! Oh, God bless you. I'm glad that you're healing up - able to drive again is real good. I'm so glad to see you blogging again. I look forward to seeing more of you and I really, really wish you continued healing and goodness, all around. XOXO Serena

P.S. What makes me go back to blogging? The amazing support available among bloggers in their communities. The love that travels right through the airwaves.

Paula In Pinetop said...

Holy cow

Joyce said...

Missed you! Hope your good as new soon.

Visiting other blogs usually gets me motivated to get back to blogging.

mimilove forever said...

Hope you had a (healing!) happy Christmas missus! Looking forward to your welcome return for 2010!

mimilove forever said...

Well heelloooo to you missus!!
LOVE the new banner...can't wait to see what else you've been up to...hope that leg is fully healed now! x:)

(Thinking Alan will be ready for releasing soon...expcet a snot-filled "Born Free" moment!)
Big Love Happy Days!

artbeckons said...

Wanted to tell you that I L-O-V-E your new blog banner! It's gorgeous =)

Works From The Attic by Linda said...

It is great to hear that you are driving again and back from the brink. It is a long road, I've had two knee replacements so I know a little about ortho recovery and wouldn't wish anything on anyone. I hope and pray that you are doing well and have full use of the leg again.
Have a sunny day!

carole brungar said...

Hope you are singing and dancing now!! I think your new banner is great!! x